My New Camera - Fuji X100s

My new camera is a Fuji X100s, I sold a bunch of my old manual cameras and lenses and picked up this Fuji rangefinder. I’ve had the camera for about 10 days now and really liking it. I’m still getting used to the change, I’ve shot with a Nikon DSLR for the longest time and the size, controls and handling is quite different.
What I like, the quality of the shots are amazing, plus the camera is pretty small and easy to bring everywhere. It is not fit in a pants pocket small, but in a big coat pocket or easily slip into my work bag. Also quiet, once you turn off all the beeps, it is dead silent which is great!
I’m still getting used to the manual controls and the electronic view finder. Between work and kids I haven’t had too much alone time to really get to know the camera. So as I learn, it’ll get better. My initial week or so I’m only getting a proper exposure and focus maybe 7 out of 10 shots, which is a bit low for my liking; and maybe only 5 out of 10 when taking shots of my kids who don’t really stop moving.
The lens is really impressive, the 35mm focal length is perfect for me. The depth-of-field that the f/2 is quite good and since the high ISO still gives high quality, you can blur out backgrounds even in sunny scenes. Also, I’m amazed at how close the macro mode can focus, I can get as close as I want to anything I’ve come across.
Here are a few sample shots, all photos shot in JPEG format and have a bit of post processing using VSCO Film settings in Lightroom. I shot a bit in RAW but have found JPEG is good enough for me.