Grand Meetup 2016

A set of photos from Automattic’s Grand Meetup 2016, see my photos from previous years 2015, 2014, and 2013. This year we were in beautiful Whistler, British Columbia, where the 2010 Winter Olympics were held.
I’m a little late in posting because this year I didn’t bring a digital camera, I only shot film and just got back the last roll of black and white. I shot a few different types of film, one being Fujifilm Natura 1600 which was just ok, but I forgot to set my camera back so underexposed the next roll which was the black and white. I had the lab push it 2 stops in developing, so I got photos just a bit grainy.
As usual we went out a few times for night photography, mine ended up pretty horrible and since using film I didn’t realize it until too late. The cable release was not locking properly, so what I thought was a 20 minute exposure was just a second, a bit underexposed. The night shots I took around the village turned out fine, since I held my finger on the release.
Overall, a few mistakes and I took a lot fewer shots since shooting film, but happy with it all.
Lost Lake was a nearby lake which I ended up going to a few times on walks, it was around 20-30 minutes from the hotels. It rained one time, but they were all still good walks with my co-workers and beautiful scenery.
The closing party was great fun again, this is one area I took much fewer pictures than last year, primarily due to using film and not digital. See my photos from last year’s party, challenging light and expressions would get pricey on film.