Roll 18, 2016
Roll 18 is a roll of Agfa Vista 400, which is one of the cheapest color films at about $4/roll. The color and quality isn’t always great, but not too bad for half the cost of Portra.
This roll continues from our family road trip to Portland, which might be cheating for the 52-rolls project since I shoot 3 rolls in one week. It all balances out because some rolls stretch over a couple weeks or two.
Shots are from Blue Star donuts which is amazing! Their donuts aren’t quite as trendy as Voodoo, no fruit loops, or cocoa pebbles, but they are delicious. A more mature and refined hipster donut, plus without the crazy line!
Shots taken on: Nikon F6, 50mm f/1.8, Agfa Vista 400
Developed and scanned by The FIND Lab