Twelves #2 - Barcelona

The second set in my Twelves project is Barcelona. I was fortunate enough to have a work meetup in Barcelona for a week and then my wife joined me for a second week. It was the longest time I’ve spent in a single city while traveling.
Even there two weeks is not enough to see everything, so we didn’t try, we saw a few sites but mostly enjoyed just walking along the Ramblas and seeing all the people out and about enjoying life, having coffee in cafes, eating pastries, or playing and talking with friends.
It was such a nice change of pace, as most vacations are, but there was just a different energy. Barcelona didn’t have the frenetic pace of people rushing around being busy, which I see in cities like San Francisco or New York, but just people living; a nice focus on simpler things in life.
Photos shot with Nikon FM2n 50mm f/1.8 on JCH Streetpan 400.
Part of the Twelves series, which I post 12 photos on a single theme each month. The theme for next month is: Spring.