52 Rolls Project

I’ve completed my 52 rolls project, shooting a roll of a film a week for the whole year. I actually ended up shooting 59 rolls of film, a few were skipped from posting due to poor quality or just outright fail. It was a fun project, I’m glad I did.
First some stats:
Camera | Rolls |
Nikon F6 | 18 |
Bronica ETRSi | 13 |
Nikon FM2 | 9 |
Contax G2 | 6 |
Olympus Trip 35 | 5 |
Vivitar Ultra Pinhole | 3 |
Yashica FR-1 | 2 |
Konica Hexar AF | 1 |
Nikon OneTouch | 1 |
Fujifilm Klasse | 1 |
Film | Rolls |
Kodak Portra 400 | 29 |
Kodak Portra 160 | 5 |
JCH Streetpan | 4 |
Cinestill 800T | 4 |
Kodak Ektar | 3 |
Agfa Vista | 3 |
Fujifilm Superia | 3 |
Fujifilm Natura | 2 |
Ilford HP5+ | 2 |
Lomography 400 | 2 |
Cinestill 50D | 1 |
Ilford FP4+ | 1 |
I’m not quite sure why or how so much variety of equipment got mixed in, my initial plan was to keep it simple and use the same camera and film combo throughout. As the project wore on I ended up getting bored and trying lots of new things is an easy way out. “They’re just test rolls”
My most frequent combination is relatively obvious, the Nikon F6, 50mm lens, and Kodak Portra. This delivers very consistent and excellent results. You can see my review of the Nikon F6, it is practically perfect.
A few takeaways:
First lesson came from Roll #1, don’t bother with expired film especially for shots you might treasure.
Shooting a roll of film a week is expensive especially sending it out to labs to be processed and scanned, between film and developing it’s close to $20 a roll.
I’m glad I tested out various cameras and films, but in the end there isn’t really better out there. The grass isn’t greener, just different. Once you find a combo that works for you, just stick with it. I spent too much time on ebay and shooting too many test rolls when I should just be shooting.
I initially thought the quantity of shooting would be tough to keep up with, and there were a few weeks getting the film back and posted in time was close, but overall the quantity was not an issue.
The project did require I shoot and post more than normal but the extra work was more ad hoc for example Roll #45 taken while walking the dog and taking the kids to play.
So yes, shooting more, but not more thoughtful, and not pushing myself. I wouldn’t consider the overall project as a series, but more random sets of subjects without a theme besides, “My Year of Shooting” – my ego aside, not an exciting topic.
So this ends my roll a week. It was a fun project, but glad it is over. You can see all the rolls and photos form the project browsing each below.
I’m considering my next project for 2017, I like the idea of One Camera, One Lens, One Film for the year, but I want the project to focus and push me, not just generate lots of photos. Also I want to prioritize series based work and not gear.
Roll 1, 2016
Roll 2, 2016
Roll 3, 2016
Roll 4, 2016
Roll 5, 2016
Roll 6, 2016
Roll 7, 2016
Roll 8, 2016
Roll 9, 2016
Roll 10, 2016
Roll 11, 2016
Roll 12, 2016
Roll 13, 2016
Roll 14, 2016
Roll 15, 2016
Roll 16, 2016
Roll 17, 2016
Roll 18, 2016
Roll 19, 2016
Roll 20, 2016
Roll 21, 2016
Roll 22, 2016
Roll 23, 2016
Roll 24, 2016
Roll 25, 2016
Roll 26, 2016
Roll 27, 2016
Roll 28, 2016
Roll 29, 2016
Roll 30, 2016
Roll 31, 2016
Roll 32, 2016
Roll 33, 2016
Roll 34, 2016
Roll 35, 2016
Roll 36, 2016
Roll 37, 2016
Roll 38, 2016
Roll 40, 2016
Roll 41, 2016
Roll 42, 2016
Roll 44, 2016
Roll 45, 2016
Roll 46, 2016
Roll 47, 2016
Roll 48, 2016
Roll 49, 2016
Roll 51, 2016
Roll 52, 2016
Roll 53, 2016
Roll 57, 2016
Roll 59, 2016